Human Garage #28Day Reset
Day 23
I’m late doing my Human Garage fascia manoeuvres and posting tonight as I’ve been away for the weekend, but I was determined not to miss a day.
I found crossing the legs on anti-gravity added a different dimension to the moves. It was really hard to balance properly on the left side, but much better on the right.
I could really feel a build up of pressure in the left foot arch, that then released as I walked it off. Initially, I felt a bit shaky in my legs after doing the moves on the left side, but then I did experience some releases straight afterwards.
I love the sense of freedom I feel in my head/face after doing the Facial set of Human Garage manoeuvres. Although it has subsequenctly made me realise how much tension I must still be holding in my jaw.
I’m hoping to achieve a bit more of a release on the left side of my body in the last week of this Human Garage fascia reset programme.
Good luck everyone with this final phase. I was wondering today if I’ll notice any differences in my end of the reset photo? Only 5 days to wait!