We are never truly alone
I was recently sent an Instagram post about lonely trees in the forest. This has really stayed with me for the last few weeks as I’ve realised its reinforced the message that we are never truly alone in this world.
I instantly knew my very own lonely oak. I discovered him during my lockdown adventures around my village and he still draws me back every once in a while to see how he’s doing. Sadly I can’t get close enough for a hug as this Grandfather oak is standing majestically in the middle of a farmers field, but I do like to photograph him as the seasons come and go.
I think it was during lockdown that my deeper connection to nature was really ignited and I started to truly recognise how everything weaves together so seamlessly in nature. Almost as if it was designed that way hey 😉
This Instagram post talked about the underground mycelium network keeping the seemingly individual oak connected with others in the vicinity. The vision of this occuring throughout fields and gardens across the globe has given me a great sense of comfort, because I’ve realised we are never truly alone in this world, athough admittedly, sometimes it may feel that way.
In our day-to-day life we may feel that no one understands us, or that we have no one to reach out to, but believe me there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it may be the tiniest chink of light, but it’s there. And if you allow your heart to see this, the universe will eventually step in to help by slowly opening the door wider and wider until your heart is fully open and ready to receive the love it deserves. Because after all, aren’t we’re all just looking for love and acceptance of some kind in this crazy world we call life!