Why is water so magical to me?
This morning’s walk into the forest ended up with me posing numerous questions to Mama Cacao/my guides/the nature spirits/whoever was blessing me with their presence during my meditation in the Hazel tree.
“Why is water so magical to me, I asked?”
“It’s your homeland. It carries the essence of your people. It has always been your safe place. Remember the joy you had as a child when swimming. When spending all day in the pool on holiday. Tap back into those emotions. This will bring you into your heart. This will connect you to the quantum. Water represents fun to you, a sense of freedom. It’s your happy place. Your conscious self is only aware of the link in a superficial way but your higher self knows. It remembers every time you connect. It’s a return to ancient times when your people lived under the sea and messages were sent through the waters.
“Water amplifies the connections, sending them through at the speed of light to reach the intended recipient. You can do the same now through the quantum. Apply the inner knowledge. Think of the quantum as your body of water. Sink into the heart and envisage the sacred waters enveloping you. Send your message from the heart and the sacred waters will deliver it.
“You must always trust the messages have been received when they were meant to. Others do not work on the same timescales as you. Sometimes it will take longer to reawaken their inner light. But trust that if it’s meant to be, it will happen with divine timing.”
How will I understand the messages from water?
“You will know. You just will. In your heart you will know when you have read the message correctly. Do not think about the end point. Just go at your own pace and have fun. Feel your way through the experiments. Sense the fun and wonder at the discoveries. Don’t give up at the first hurdle. It may take numerous attempts, but others will be drawn by your enthusiasm. Joyfully share your discoveries and the magnetic qualities of water will naturally attract those that are meant to be on this journey with you.”
(Elements for Life Serendepity cacao with Cornish kelp 24g)